Friday, June 11, 2010

First Post: Someone Help Me, PLEASE!!!

I've had a photography business in my home for about 2 years, and thankfully, it has grown! So I find myself at a place that I must move from my home to an "official" portrait studio. I've signed a lease agreement for a 24 ft by 36 ft building, and I believe that it will be really nice...... once I fix it up!!! I'm not necessarily looking for someone to design/decorate this studio for me for free. I really just need someone to help me to know what to do, & the order in which I should do it. I need lots of resources with helpful information. Most of all, I need LOTS of inspiration from fellow photographers.
Anyone who reads this, I need links to studio tours!!
I will be uploading pictures of my building very soon. I have a certain idea in mind, when it comes to style, but my mind isn't completely set, yet.
For other photographers dropping by looking for the same info that I am, I've found a few studio tour links. I've found all of them to be interesting & inspirational, but more inspiration is needed!!!!
Links below are from The Savvy Photographer:
The Studio Tour Week
Studio Tour week~ day two
Studio Tour Week~ Day Three
Studio Tour Week~ day four
Studio tour week~ day five
Studio tour week~ day six (My absolute favorite of any studio I've seen so far!!)
Designing your work space on a budget

Other sites that have been helpful:

Thanks to anyone who attempts to help me!!!

~Alisha J~
PumpkinSeed Photography